Note: Many words have more than one meaning; in such a case, the first or most common is given.
1. abominable adj | extremely repugnant or offensive |
2. accost v | to approach and stop somebody in order to speak, especially in an aggressive manner |
3. actuary n | a statistician who calculates insurance premiums, risks, dividends, and annuity rates |
4. anaerobic adj | lacking oxygen: having or providing no oxygen |
5. adjacent adj | next to |
6. anosmia n | absence or loss of the sense of smell |
7. amoxicillin n | broad-spectrum synthetic penicillin: a synthetic penicillin |
8. arboreous adj | with many trees: covered with trees |
9. archaeobotany n | the scientific study of excavated plant remains from ancient times |
10. ambiguity n | the state of being indefinite or vague |
11. arcuate adj | curved: in the shape of an arc or a bow |
12. armiger n | somebody entitled to have a coat of arms |
13. ascending adj | moving upward, especially on a scale |
14. aspersion n | the making of defamatory remarks |
15. asphalt n | paving material composed mainly of petroleum and gravel or crushed rock |
16. auctioneer n | somebody who is in charge of and announces the bids at an auction |
17. assail v | to attack somebody vigorously with words or actions |
18. assay n | an examination and analysis of something |
19. aureole. n | halo: a painted or carved representation of a circle of light around the head of a divine being or a saint |
20. axiom n | a statement or idea that people accept as self-evidently true |
21. balk v | to stop suddenly and refuse to go on, especially when faced with an obstacle |
22. ballistics n | the study of the movements and forces involved in the propulsion of objects through the air |
23. bamboozle v | to trick or deceive somebody through misleading statements or falsehoods |
24. banausic adj | uncreative: with no art, creativity, or imagination |
25. bedew v | make something wet: to wet or cover something with dew or drops of liquid |
26. bedim v | to make the eyes or mind less able to perceive things clearly |
27. biathlon n | a competition that combines cross-country skiing with rifle shooting |
28. bibliomania n | an extreme fondness for books, or an obsessive urge to collect them |
29. bicentennial n | an anniversary on which something is 200 years old |
30. blissful adj | perfectly happy: characterized by perfect happiness |
31. bloated adj | swollen with liquid, air, or gas |
32. blunder n | serious or embarrassing mistake, usually the result of carelessness |
33. bonesetter n | somebody who sets broken or dislocated bones |
34. baritone n | a man’s singing voice with a range lower than a tenor and higher than a bass, or a singer with this voice |
35.boogie-woogie n | jazz piano style derived from the blues. |
36. bounteous adj | generous: giving generously |
37. bowdlerize v | to remove parts of a work of literature that are considered indecent |
38. bowlegged adj | having legs that curve outward around or below the knee area |
39. bowknot n | a decorative knot in the form of a bow |
40. bystander n | somebody who observes an activity but is not involved in it |
41. cacophony n | an unpleasant combination of loud, often jarring, sounds |
42. cadge v | to scrounge or beg something from somebody |
43. calamitous adj | extremely unfortunate: causing great trouble, tragedy, or disaster |
44. cellophane n | a thin, transparent waterproof material made from wood pulp and used for wrapping and covering |
45.censorious adj | expressing strong disapproval or harsh criticism |
46.cephalometer n | instrument used to measure the size of the human head |
47.cinematheque n | a small movie theater, especially one showing artistic or classic films |
48. circularize v | to publicize something by distributing leaflets or notices widely |
49. circumscribe v | to limit the power of something or somebody to act independently |
50. cleavable adj | splitable: able to be split or divided |
51. colloquial adj | used in everyday conversation; not formal |
52. climacteric n | a period in which critically important changes take place |
53. crescendo n | a gradual increase in loudness |
54. coadjutor n | assistant: a helper for somebody |
55. | a thin fabric made of wool and cotton or silk, twilled on one surface, and used as a dress fabric or lining cloth |
56. crabmeat n | the flesh of a crab when used as food |
57. crematorium n | a building or furnace where bodies are incinerated |
58. coerce v | to force somebody to do something that he or she does not want to do |
59. coessential adj | with the same essence or nature |
60. cuisine n | a specified style of cooking |
61. darksome adj | without light and gloomy or unpleasant |
62. dartboard n | a round target used in darts |
63. dashboard n | a panel in front of the driver of a vehicle or the pilot of a small aircraft or boat |
64. deadfall n | simple trap consisting of a heavy weight that falls on and crushes |
65. delegitimize v | to take away the legitimacy or legal status of somebody or something |
66. demean v | humiliate and degrade: to reduce somebody to a much lower status in a humiliating way |
67. diagnose v | to identify an illness or disorder in a patient through an interview and physical examination |
68. diamantine adj | looking like diamonds: resembling diamonds |
69. diffuse v | to spread something throughout something else, or to become spread throughout something else |
70. digitate adj | having fingers or toes, or having parts that are like fingers or toes |
71. dilatant adj | able or likely to expand |
72. dilute v | to make something thinner or weaker by adding water or another liquid |
73. dobsonfly n | very large winged North American insect that has long slender mouthparts in the male |
74. doctorate n | the highest level of university degree |
75. dogmatize v | to express strongly held opinions in a way that suggests they should be accepted without question |
76. dudette n | (slang) a young woman or girl who is very popular or admired by her peers |
77. dulcify v | to make something agreeable, especially to the senses |
78. dumbbell n | somebody regarded as lacking in intelligence and common sense |
79. dumpling n | a small dough ball cooked and served with a stew or soup |
80. dungheap n | a pile of solid animal excrement |
81. earbash v | to talk non-stop |
82. earlobe n | the soft fleshy lower part of the outer ear |
83. edging n | something used as a border or trim, usually for decoration or protection |
84. educable adj | capable of being educated |
85. eelgrass n | marine plant resembling grass |
86. effectuate v | to do, cause, or accomplish something |
87. eggbeater n | a kitchen utensil used for beating or blending such ingredients as raw eggs or cream |
88. egomania n | obsessive self-preoccupation |
89. elasticity n | ability to return to shape |
90. electioneer v | to take an active part in an election campaign |
91. embank v | to surround or line a road, canal, or other area with an embankment |
92. enamel n | a glassy decorative or protective coating, usually colored and opaque |
93. encamp v | stay in camp |
94. epidemic n | fast-spreading disease |
95. eradicate v | get rid of something completely |
96. eremite n | somebody who lives in solitude |
97. escalade v | climb walls with ladders |
98. esplanade n | open walkway |
99. evacuee n | somebody moved to safety |
100.evenhanded adj | fair and impartial |
101. fabulist n | fable writer |
102. facedown n | confrontation |
103. facsimile n | copy of something |
104. factotum n | somebody who does many jobs |
105. fiery adj | glowing hot |
106. firebomb n | bomb starting a fire |
107. flexography n | printing technique resembling letterpress |
108. flexure n | a bending or being flexed |
109. focalize v | to focus something or bring something into focus |
110. folkie n | folk singer |
111. follower n | somebody led by another |
112. fomites n | objects carrying infection |
113. fontanel n | soft spot on baby’s head |
114. foodie n | somebody who enjoys good food |
115. frostbound adj | confined by frost |
116. frou-frou n | unnecessary ornamentation especially of clothing |
117.frumentaceous adj | made from wheat |
118. frumpish adj | unattractive, drab, or dowdy |
119. fuelwood n | wood that is used as fuel |
120. fugacious n | fleeting or passing away quickly |
121. gadgeteer n | someone who enjoys inventing and using gadgets |
122. gadolinium n | a silvery white metallic element |
123. galligaskins n | loose-fitting stockings that were worn by men 400 years ago |
124. gaiety n | joyfulness |
125. geanticline n | a raised area of the earth’s crust |
126. guillotine n | a machine for beheading persons |
127. gelatinous adj | having a semisolid form resembling gelatin |
128. gentlemanliness n | the quality of being a polite and cultured man |
129. ghaut n | a small valley that has water in it that runs to the sea |
130. ghillies n | light shoes with long laces |
131. ghoulishly adv | terrifyingly hideously, cruelly or morbidly |
132. gigantesque adj | giant-sized |
133. girandole n | a wall mounted candleholder |
134. glabella n | part of the human forehead |
135. glabrescent adj | becoming hairless over time |
136. glaciology n | the study of glaciers |
137. gnathion n | the lowest point on one's jaw |
138. gombroon n | white Iranian pottery |
139. guaiacum n | a tropical American tree |
140. gymkhana n | a sporting event or contest |
141. habitable adj | considered fit to be lived in |
142. habitual adj | done or acquired by habit |
143. hacksaw n | a saw for cutting metal |
144. headshrinker n | (informal insult) psychiatrist |
145. hectoliter n | a unit of capacity |
146. hedgerow n | a row of hedges or bushes or small trees |
147. heehaw n | the natural sound made by a donkey |
148. heinous adj | utterly evil |
149. heliculture n | snail farming |
150. heliometer n | a telescope for measuring angular distance |
151. hieroglyph n | a picture writing symbol |
152. hierocracy n | a government by clergy |
153. highlighter n | a marking pen to make text stand out |
154. hustle v | jostle or shove |
155. hodgepodge n | a jumble, a mixture of several unrelated things |
156. hollowly adv | In a hollow way |
157. holohedral adj | absolutely symmetrical |
158. hullaballoo n | a noisy excitement or fuss |
159. humidification n | the process of making something moist |
160. hyaloid adj | clear and glassy in appearance |
161. icebound adj | unable to move because of being covered by ice |
162. impetuous adj | marked by impulsive vehemence |
163. ichnology n | the study of fossil footprints |
164. ichthyology n | a branch of zoology that deals with the study of fish |
165. ickiness n | the state of being sticky |
166. ideation n | the formation of the idea of something |
167. idiopathic adj | describes a disease or disorder that has no known cause |
168. idyllic adj | serenely beautiful and happy |
169. ignoble adj | of low birth or not honorable |
170. ignominious adj | shameful, a total loss of dignity |
171. illegitimate adj | against laws or rules; born out of wedlock |
172. imbroglio n | a complicated situation |
173. immaculate adj | absolutely clean and neat |
174. immeasurable adj | too large or too big to be measured |
175. irascible adj | quick-tempered, easily provoked |
176. isochronous adj | with equal frequency |
177. isogenous adj | with the same origin |
178. itchiness n | the feeling of wanting to scratch an area |
179. itinerary n | a list of places to visit |
180. ivied adj | covered with ivy |
181. jackanapes n | somebody who behaves in an impudent and self-centered way |
182. jaguarondi n | a small wild cat |
183. jargonization n | the process of turning ordinary language into jargon |
184. jejune adj | boring |
185. juggernaut n | a Hindu god; lord of the world |
186. jitterbug n | a fast energetic jazz dance |
187. jobholder n | someone with a regular job |
188. jocose adj | Found of joking |
189. jocund adj | cheerful and full of good humor |
190. joggle n | a gentle shaking or moving action |
191. jointworm n | larva that attacks grain crops |
192. jubilation n | rejoicing and celebration |
193. judgeship n | the condition of being a judge |
194. juicehead n | (slang) a heavy drinker or an alcoholic |
195. jumboize v | to increase or enlarge a ship |
196. juridical adj | related to judges and the law |
197. justificative adj | serving or acting to justify something |
198. jutting adj | sticking out in some way |
199. juvenescent adj | youthful, or young looking |
200. juxtapose v | to put side by side or close to each other |
201. karaoke n | singing to prerecorded music |
202. kazoo n | a toy instrument that makes a buzzing sound |
203. kedge v | move a vessel |
204. keelage n | a docking fee, a charge to use a port for boats |
205. keepnet n | a net placed in water, used to keep caught fish alive |
206. kenspeckle adj | (Scottish) well known or easily recognized |
207. kickabout n | (British) an informal soccer game |
208. kickup n | a commotion, a noisy protest |
209. kindred adj | similar to someone or something, related by blood |
210. kleptomania n | an obsessive desire to steal things |
211. knack n | a clever way of doing something |
212. knar n | a knot in wood |
213. knead v | to work dough until it is smooth and soft |
214. kohl n | eye makeup in |
215. kolinsky n | a weasel, a small animal |
216. komondor n | a large white sheepdog |
217. krimmer n | fur from lambs' wool |
218. kuchen n | (German) a cake that has been raised with yeast |
219. kyack n | a double packsack, one on each side of a saddle |
220. kyphosis n | curving of the spine |
221. lassitude n | tiredness or lack of energy |
222. laudable adj | deserving of praise |
223. labialize v | to pronounce with rounded lips |
224. leaderboard n | a board showing leading golfer’s scores |
225. leafcutter ant n | a tropical ant |
226. leaflet n | a sheet of folded printed paper with advertising on it |
227. leakage n | escape or entrance of a liquid |
228. liaise v | to cooperate closely with somebody |
229. liberalize v | to reform and become less strict |
230. lickspittle n | (British) someone who shows deference to superior people |
231. lieutenant n | an army officer |
232. liftoff n | the moment when a rocket leaves the ground into the air |
233. loach n | a freshwater fish |
234. loafer n | a lazy person |
235. localism n | a local idiom or tradition |
236. lubber n | lout |
237. lucent adj | luminous, shining with a glowing light |
238. lyase n | an enzyme |
239. lyre n | string instrument |
240. lyric adj | expressing personal feelings |
241. macchiato n | espresso with steamed milk |
242. macerate v | soften by soaking |
243. machinist n | somebody who machines something |
244. malaria n | recurring illness transmitted by mosquitoes |
245. malcontent n | discontented person |
246. maldistribution n | unequal distribution |
247. meadowland n | area of meadow |
248. microanalysis n | analysis of a tiny sample |
249. midcontinent adj | in the middle of continent |
250. midfielder n | soccer player active in midfield |
251. midrange n | middle of series |
252. miking n | arrangement of microphones |
253. milepost n | post showing distance to place |
254. milestone n | stone showing distance to place |
255. molasses n | syrup from sugar refining |
256. moloch n | lizard with large spiny scales |
257. momentous adj | extremely important or crucial |
258. mucklucks n | large waterproof boots made of animal skin |
259. muleteer n | mule driver |
260. mulishly adv | stubbornly |
261. naphtha n | a product of distillation, obtained from petroleum |
262. narrowcast v | to aim a radio or TV commercial at a specialized audience |
263. nasalize v | to make a sound nasal |
264. nauseous adj | feeling sick in the stomach |
265. neocolonialism n | economic domination by a powerful nation |
266. neuralgia n | nerve pain |
267. nickelodeon n | an early version of a coin-operated jukebox |
268. nightingale n | a night-singing songbird |
269. nincompoop n | a offensive word to insult someone’s intelligence |
270. nitty-gritty n | the basic and most important details or parts |
271. nitroglycerin n | an explosive liquid |
272. noggin n | one-quarter of a pint of liquor; or the human head |
273. non-fluctuating adj | does not change in degree or level |
274. nonoccurrence n | something that didn’t happen, a non-event |
275. notarize v | to certify legally |
276. nuisance n | somebody or something irritating |
277. numismatics n | the study or collection of coins |
278. nuthatch n | a small bird that climbs trees |
279. nymph n | mythology: a spirit of nature |
280. nyctophobia n | the fear of the dark |
281. obituary n | an announcement of death, usually in a newspaper |
282. oblivious adj | unaware |
283. obtrude v | to impose something onto others, such as your opinion or yourself |
284. octet n | a group of eight, usually musicians |
285. ointment n | a greasy substance used on the skin as medicine |
286. omnipotent adj | all-powerful |
287. operational adj | in proper working order and able to be used |
288. opportunism n | the practice of taking advantage of situations |
289. orangutan n | a large reddish-brown ape |
290. orphanage n | a home for children without parents |
291. orthography n | the relationship between sounds and letters, correct spelling |
292. outmatch v | to prove stronger and better than someone else |
293. overabundance n | an amount greater than what is needed or appropriate |
294. overestimate v | calculate something too highly |
295. overlap v | to place or be over something else |
296. overqualified adj | too highly qualified for a specific job |
297. overseas adj | across or beyond the sea or ocean |
298. oxidation n | the addition of oxygen in a chemical reaction |
299. oxygenate v | to combine with oxygen |
300. ozone n | a form of oxygen |
301. pacifism n | the belief in peaceful resolution of conflicts |
302. pageantry n | a magnificent ceremonial display |
303. pagination n | page numbers |
304. pallbearer n | someone who carriers a casket |
305. palpitate v | to beat irregularly |
306. pebble n | a small round stone |
307. pedology n | the scientific study of children |
308. pedestrian n | someone walking, especially in an area where there are cars |
309. petulant adj | sulky, crabby, grumpy |
310. phenomenon n | a fact or occurrence that can be observed |
311. philosophize v | to discuss the nature of reality |
312. pigeonhole n | a small place to put messages with small compartments |
313. pigmentation n | the natural color of plants and animals |
314. pinstripe n | one of many narrow lines in cloth or fabric |
315. pistachio n | a hard shelled nut or a tree that produces them |
316. plaque n | an inscribed metal or stone that has words on its surface |
317. plebeian n | an ordinary citizen of ancient |
318. plurality n | the condition of being plural |
319. polysyllabic adj | having several syllables |
320. predominant adj | the most common, the most important |
321. quadrant n | geometry: quarter of the circumference of a circle |
322. quadrennial adj | happening every four years |
323. quarterfinal n | match before the semifinal |
324. queasy adj | feeling ill in the stomach, nauseated |
325. quartz n | a crystalline mineral |
326. quaver v | to tremble slightly |
327. quell v | to bring something to an end, put a stop to |
328. querulous adj | tending to complain |
329. questionnaire n | a list of questions usually for a survey |
330. quiche n | a pie with vegetables, eggs and cream |
331. quiescent adj | inactive or at rest |
332. quietude n | calmness or tranquillity |
333. quinella n | a bet on the first two finishers |
334. quintessence n | the purest or most perfect example of something |
335. quirky adj | something strange or odd |
336. quittance n | release from debt or obligation, exemption |
337. quizzical adj | questioning |
338. quondam adj | former, of an earlier time |
339. quorum n | a minimum number of participants needed for a formal meeting |
340. quotient n | math: a result of division |
341. rabble-rouser n | one who tries to arouse people to violent action |
342. rabies n | an infectious disease |
343. raglan n | a loose coat with sleeves that continue in one piece to collar |
344. randomize v | to arrange or select items so that no specific pattern or order determines the resulting arrangement |
345. ravishing adj | extremely delightful or beautiful |
346. rebound v | to spring back, as upon impact |
347. reckon v | to consider somebody or something to be something |
348. recumbent adj | lying down, reclining |
349. reimburse v | to pay back |
350. rheumatism n | a painful condition of the joints and muscles |
351. rhinoceros n | massive horned mammal |
352. recalcitrant adj | stubbornly disobedient |
353. ripsaw n | a saw with coarse teeth |
354. rivulet n | little stream |
355. robotics n | the science or technology relating to computer–controlled mechanical devices |
356. romanticize v | to make something seem, or believe something to be, more glamorous or ideal than it really is |
357. rotisserie n | a grill with an electrically turned spit |
358. routinize v | to make routine |
359. rupture n | a breaking apart of something |
360. rusticate v | to become or make rustic |
361. salacious adj | lustful, obscene |
362. salutary adj | healthful, beneficial |
363. sapphire n | precious stone of a clear, deep blue color |
364. sarcophagus n | limestone coffins exposed to view as a tomb |
365. scandalous adj | causing scandal |
366. schizophrenia n | a mental disorder characterized by separation between thoughts |
367. seismograph n | an instrument that records the intensity and duration of an earthquake |
368.self-determination n | determination according to one’s own mind |
369. sentimentalize v | be sentimental or treat in a sentimental way |
370. sepulcher n | a vault for burial or tomb |
371. servomechanism n | an automatic control system of low power |
372. shantung n | a silk or silky fabric with an uneven surface |
373. shenanigan n | trickery, mischief |
374. soliloquy n | the act of speaking while alone |
375. skirmish n | a brief fight between small groups |
376. slaughter n | a brutal killing |
377. snooze n | a brief sleep |
378. spaghetti n | pasta in long thin strings |
379. squeamish adj | easily nauseated |
380. squiggle n | a short, wavy line |
381. tabernacle n | a tent sanctuary used by the Israelites during the Exodus |
382. taboo adj | socially or culturally proscribed: forbidden to be used |
383. teakettle n | kettle used for boiling water for making tea |
384. tearful adj | about to cry, or feeling like crying |
385. tearjerker n | sentimental artistic work |
386. technologize v | to modernize something by introducing technology |
387. ticklish n | sensitive to being tickled |
388. tiddling n | smallest piglet |
389. tiebreaker n | method of deciding the winner in a tie |
390. tightened v | became or made tighter |
391. timeserver n | opportunist |
392. thalassotherapy n | sea-water therapy |
393. theatricalism n | relating to or typical of the theater or dramatic performance |
394. toboggan n | long narrow runnerless sled |
395. toiletry n | article used in grooming |
396. tolerability n | capable of being tolerated |
397. tubbiness n | state of being overweight |
398. tumescence n | state of being swollen or showing signs of swelling |
399. turbocharger n | supercharger using gas |
400. turnbuckle n | tension-adjusting device |
401. ubiquitous adj | existing everywhere |
402. ufology n | study of UFOs |
403. ukulele n | stringed instrument |
404. ulotrichous adj | with tightly-curled hair |
405. unaccountable adj | impossible to explain or give a reason for |
406. unadulterated adj | not mixed or diluted with something else |
407. upbraid v | to correct or criticize somebody in a harsh manner |
408. upheaval n | violent agitation or change |
409. upshift v | shift up gear |
410. utterance n | something said or emitted as a vocal sound |
411. vacancy n | the state of being without an occupant |
412. vacuity n | emptiness |
413. vagabond n | a homeless wanderer |
414. vegetarian n | somebody not eating meat or fish |
415. velodrome n | stadium for bicycle races |
416. vibraphone n | percussion instrument with metal bars |
417. villainy n | evil conduct |
418. viperishly adv | maliciously or spitefuly |
419. virtuous adj | with moral integrity |
420. viscid adj | thick and sticky |
421. wackiness n | the state of being entertainingly silly |
422. wagonload n | the amount that a wagon does or can hold |
423. wailfully adv | mournfully cried |
424. wainwright n | wagon maker |
425. waive v | to give something up voluntarily |
426. wakeboard v | sport of jumping a boat’s wake |
427. wean v | to free from a cause of dependence |
428. weaponry n | the science of designing and making weapons |
429. wacky adj | crazy or eccentric |
430. whup v | (informal) defeat somebody |
431. Xanadu n | beautiful place |
432. xebec n | small three-masted ship |
433. xenophile n | somebody who likes foreigners |
434. xerography n | photocopying method |
435. X chromosome n | a sex chromosome |
436. xerothermic adj | hot and dry |
437. xylophone n | a musical instrument |
438. xylogenous adj | living on wood |
439. xylograph n | wood engraving |
440. xylophagous adj | wood-eating |
441. yabber v | talk very fast |
442. yachtsman n | yacht owner or sailor |
443. yammer v | talk loudly and at length |
444. yearling n | one that is a year old |
445. yellowbelly n | (informal insult) coward |
446. Yom Kippur n | a Jewish holiday which is a day of atonement |
447. yokozuna n | champion sumo wrestler |
448. yuckiness n | unpleasantness |
449. yummy adj | (informal) delicious |
450. yuppification n | (disapproving) the population of a place with yuppies |
451. zapper n | remote control for TV |
452. zealot n | zealous follower |
453. zebrawood n | hardwood tree with striped wood |
454. zucchini n | a summer squash |
455. zizz n | a nap |
456. zombie n | somebody unresponsive or unthinking |
457. zonation n | division into zones |
458. zoography n | science of describing animals |
459. zygomorphic adj | with identical halves |
460. zymometer n | instrument for measuring fermentation |